Frequently Asked Questions

What is allowed?

You can use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

You do not need to ask permission from the creator or Unminus.

Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows artists to gain exposure.

What is not allowed?

Don’t sell or offer the music as it is in your name.

Don’t create a similar service like “Unminus” with this music.

Don’t add this music without changing it to Content ID Networks. This will block other users from using it on YouTube, Facebook etc.

And please don’t upload the music just unchanged as the hundredth version of a “youtube audio library video”


Collection of Questions & Answers:

1. Is there an Unsplash for Music?

  • Not yet fully comparable to Unsplash but Unminus.com is working hard to become Unsplash for Music by creating:
  • A) free Premium Music for Everyone. No Rules. No Credits.
  • B) more Attention & Revenue for Artists
  • You can follow and support this journey here ->

2. Is Music on Unminus free to use?

  • Yes. You can use music for commercial and non-commercial purposes.
  • Crediting and paying the Artists isn’t required, only appreciated and allows artists to gain exposure.
  • Unminus is an audio library with royalty free music & free background music for your videos, podcasts, apps, local business etc. with no copyright issues.

3. Can I use the music on YouTube / YouTube partner program?

  • Yes. Please use the music to make money on YouTube.
  • If you accidentally getting a copyright claim on YouTube please reach out to info@unminus.com so we can fix this.
  • A copyright notice does not mean that copyrights have been infringed, and this shouldn’t be confused with a YouTube “copyright strike”. It’s simply a notice to advise that YouTube has detected Content ID registered content within the video, and that further information/action is needed.
  • if you’ve downloaded the music officially on Unminus.com, you will be easily able to clear this notice and you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
  • Your are not allowed to add this music unchanged in the Content ID Network. This would block other users from using it for their projects.

4. Is Unminus No Copyright Music?

  • Unminus is not considered as No Copyright Music, CC0 or Public Domain which is all roughly the same.
  • Unminus Music is covered by the Unminus License, which is similar to a Creative Commons zero license. The difference between a CC0 license and the Unminus license is the Unminus license does not include the right to compile music from Unminus to replicate a similar or competing service or upload unaltered versions of the music to content ID networks.
  • Both licenses give viewers the right to “copy, modify, distribute and use the music for free, including commercial purposes, without asking permission from or providing attribution to the artist or Unminus, but the Unminus licence, prohibits selling unaltered copies.
  • all this to enable smooth usability for all users.

5. Can I use Unminus Music as background, Intro or Outro Music for my Podcast?

  • Yes, feel free.

6. Can I use Unminus Music as background Music for YouTube Videos?

  • Yes, feel free.
  • Optional: If you like you can add a backlink to to our website or social media profiles to support the Artists

7. Can I use Unminus Music in Social Media Posts?

  • Yes, feel free.
  • Optional: If you like you can add a backlink to to our website or social media profiles to support the Artists

8. Is Unminus Music Gema-Frei?

  • Yes, you can use and play the music freely as background music in your business or in telephone waiting lines.

9. Can I change your music? Can I perform songs on them?

  • Yes, feel free to sing over, chop, splice, compress, lengthen, and add instruments to anything you like.

10. Can I play the Unminus music in a local business environment? Is it allowed for a restaurant or cafe to play Unminus’ music in the background as customers enjoy their food?

  • Yes, feel free.
  • Optional: You can link our social media profile in your social media posts to support Artists.

11. How do you respond to the criticism that license-free downloads devalues music? What’s in it for the artists?

  • license free platforms are not the cause but a consequence of various developments in the field of music (AI Music is coming), internet behavior and digitalization. Think of a similar example: local companies are threatened by digitalization, if they have not accepted this development in time and incorporated it into their business.
  • But you are absolutely right, it is a big challenge to combine “free premium music for everyone” PLUS “letting artists benefit” - which is Unminus’s Mission.
  • We’re working on the following:
  • a) more reach and backlinks for unknown artists who offer selected tracks for free to get noticed and exposure
  • b) artists will earn 80% of all revenue Unmimus can generate with their music.
  • c) artist can earn even more via cross- & up-selling
  • d) In the future clients can book artists via Unminus directly
  • e) maybe NFT’s or Smart Contracts will provide the artists a guaranteed and automated way to combine Open Music + Copyright + Royalties …
  • i am always looking for more and better ways to bring “free music” and “better paid artists” together.
  • would love to hear your thoughts

12. Do I have to use the Creative Commons license YouTube offers? Or can I use the standard Youtube license?

  • It is your new generated content, you can choose as you like.

13. What do you mean by “uploading unaltered versions of the music to youtube or facebook content ID networks” ?

  • If you upload a video that contains copyright-protected content, your video could get a Content ID claim. These claims are automatically generated when an uploaded video matches another video (or part of another video) in YouTube’s or Facebook’s Content ID system.
  • Copyright owners can set Content ID to block uploads that match a copyrighted work they own the rights to. They can also allow the claimed content to remain on YouTube with ads. In these cases, the advertising revenue goes to the copyright owners of the claimed content.
  • exactly this is not allowed with Unminus Music. Mostly this is possible if you publish an unaltered song from Unminus via Distrokid, Tunecore etc. to Streaming Services. Here you have the ability to choose “YouTube Content ID” or Facebook, Instagram etc. If you choose that, other users will get a copyright claim because of you. Please avoid that.

14. What is the differences between copyright claim and copyright strike on YouTube?

  • A copyright claim exists when a rights holder identifies his content in your video and does not object to its use. Rather, he claims ownership and YouTube gives him the revenue generated by that video. Your account is not penalised, except that you lose revenue
  • A Copyright Strike occurs when the rights holder objects to your use of the content. The offending video will be removed from the platform and your account will be penalised. If you do this too often, your account will be deleted.

15. Can I use Unminus Music as part of a product to sell?

  • Yes, you can use Unminus Music as part of a product you sell. For example, using a song on a website that sells a product or service is fine.
  • However you cannot sell an Unminus Artist’s Song without first updating, modifying, or otherwise incorporating new creative elements into the music (i.e., selling or streaming unaltered copies of the music).

16. How to download? / I can’t download music from your webpage?

  • After clicking on download, a popup or new page appears
  • Here you have just to enter any amount of your choice („0+“) even zero
  • then you will only need to enter your mail address and you will get the music directly via mail.
  • If you like to have the Wave Format, you need to enter at least $5

17. Do you have an API? We are developing a platform for creating ads and videos etc. and would like to connect some nice audio libraries to our service.

18. How music is checked before it gets published to Unminus?

  • We will check every submitted music manually on quality and copyright issues before publishing to Unminus.com. We will announce your release in our newsletter communication ->